
450,472 Hours of Footage in Our Little Rock Video Archive

Little Rock has many intersection cameras, red light cameras, and highway cameras that witness car crashes and other major accidents. The video footage is not recorded by the State of Arkansas. We designed the Traffic Cam Archive platform from the ground up to capture, catalog, and archive the millions of hours of traffic camera footage that were being lost.

We aim for 90 days of video retention per camera but often beat that by an additional 30 to 60 days. Our platform makes it easy to find, purchase, and download the video footage you need in Little Rock at the lowest price. Our interactive map makes finding cameras quick and painless and our video screening tools help you shop with confidence. When you place your order, we ask for payment and an email address to send you purchase-related messages and nothing more. We dislike needless online accounts, passwords, and spam as much as you do.

Our insured was blamed for a rear-end collision, but traffic cam footage proved otherwise. It showed that vehicles swerved into our insured’s lane to avoid a broken-down car, causing a chain reaction crash. The footage proved our insured faced an unavoidable emergency, preventing a costly six-figure payout and higher insurance premiums.
- Scott Hoerr
Prime Insurance Company
Cranston, Rhode Island
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Traffic Cam Archive has been crucial in helping my clients prove fault in motor vehicle collisions. Many who were wrongly blamed were able to establish liability thanks to this footage, avoiding denied claims and financial burdens.
- Nick Lasso
Personal Injury Attorney, Richard Harris Law
Las Vegas, Nevada
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As an accident reconstructionist, I use Traffic Cam Archive regularly. Video footage of collisions is invaluable for my work, especially when police field measurements are lacking, an issue common in many cities. TCA has been crucial in solving cases and holding parties accountable.
- Chris Nail
Senior Forensic Engineer, EFI Global
Denver, Colorado
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TCA recordings have been essential in several of our cases. Without them, proving liability would have been impossible in some instances. Video evidence is crucial, and access to it is vital for our work.
- Lauren Bass
Senior Claims Paralegal Supervisor, John Price Law Firm
Charleston, South Carolina
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We rely on TCA to present the facts in cases where our clients have suffered significant harm. The video footage often reveals the extent of wrongdoing by those responsible and refutes wrongful claims against our clients. We value the evidence TCA provides in seeking justice. It’s part of my routine to check TCA for every case to see if they have footage of our client’s crash.
- Gabriella Franklyn
Intake Specialist, Skinner Law
Charles Town, West Virginia
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Traffic Cam Archive has proven to be an invaluable resource for my company, fundamentally transforming how we assist clients involved in motor vehicle accidents. Car crashes are often among the most traumatic experiences in people’s lives, and Traffic Cam Archive plays a crucial role in providing swift, easily accessible evidence to help our clients navigate the resolution process.
- Daniel Bowman
Accident Reconstructionist, DELTA |v| Forensic Engineering
Nashville, Tennessee
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Our son was in a car accident and the other driver accused him of being at fault. With conflicting stories, the police couldn’t issue any citations. We noticed a camera at the intersection and found TCA. The video clearly showed the moment of the accident and established the other driver was at fault. TCA saved us thousands of dollars!
- Kathy Shepherd
Denver, Colorado
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TCA is an invaluable resource in my work. It allows our law firm to access traffic footage that captures the exact moment of a collision. In many cases, police reports inaccurately portray the events of an accident, often assigning fault to the wrong driver due to miscommunication. Traffic camera footage enables us to advocate for our clients to the fullest extent. Thank you for everything you do at TCA!
- Theresa Nelson
Personal Injury Paralegal
Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Without the help of TCA, I wouldn’t have been able to prove my case when my truck was totaled. The footage I received showed clearly that I was T-boned by a driver who ran a red light, proving my innocence.
- Christopher Ingram
Atlanta, Georgia
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TCA helped us obtain camera footage of a wrong-way driver who caused a fatal accident. The video allowed us to track his movements across multiple streets and highways, revealing how far he had traveled in the wrong direction before the crash.
- Bridget Briggs
Paralegal, Lashly & Baer, PC
St. Louis, Missouri
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I was rear-ended on the highway shortly after changing lanes, but the other driver’s last-second swerve made it look like I clipped them. The officer ticketed me for an unsafe lane change and said obtaining footage would be difficult. I found the footage through TCA, which proved I wasn’t at fault. It helped me contest the ticket and showed clear evidence for my insurance. I’m incredibly grateful for this service!
- Alexandra Kolar
Denver, Colorado
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After another driver ran a red light and totaled my car, TCA was the reason I received fair compensation. It’s an invaluable resource for victims seeking justice.
- Katie Meltser
New York City, New York
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Traffic Cam Archive has been instrumental in solving countless traffic accident cases. Our work focuses on uncovering the truth, and sometimes, traffic camera footage is the only evidence available. TCA provides this crucial resource to the public.
- Logan Edwards
Associate Engineer, DELTA |v| Forensic Engineering
Nashville, Tennessee
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My client sustained debilitating injuries in a collision where the defendant misstated the facts to investigators. Without the camera footage from TCA, my client would have had no evidence to prove how the collision occurred or that the defendant was truly at fault.
- Kelley Leddy, Esq
Salley Law Firm
Columbia, South Carolina
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Our personal injury law firm has relied on TCA multiple times over the past year, successfully determining fault in at least three cases. Video evidence is invaluable in auto accident cases, especially when clients cannot recall every detail. TCA has been instrumental in providing this critical resource!
- Robert Sebastian
Legal Assistant, Stillman & Friedland Attorneys
Nashville, Tennessee
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This service is invaluable! With so many hit-and-run accidents, these cameras help bring truth and justice to victims. The footage also resolves disputes over how crashes happen and who is at fault. Thank you TCA!
- Amber Lorio
Dudley Debosier Injury Lawyers
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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I was rear-ended by a motorcyclist who falsely blamed me for the accident. The police sided with him and I received a ticket. After a month of stress, I found Traffic Cam Archive and discovered footage of the accident location. The footage proved the motorcyclist was behind me in the fast lane, not the express lane as he claimed. This evidence saved me from a careless driving charge, a lawsuit, and rising insurance rates. I'm incredibly grateful to TCA, as it ultimately led to the case being dismissed and justice prevailing.
- Saige Foxx
Denver, Colorado
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My wife was involved in a traffic accident. The footage clearly showed that the other driver was speeding. Without the video, we would have been at the mercy of the other driver’s attorneys.
- Gary Poindexter
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Get Your Little Rock Traffic Camera Video in Three Easy Steps

Step 1: Select Camera

Easily find cameras in Little Rock with the footage you need from an interactive map.

Step 2: Select Date

Select the date of interest and the available videos for the selected camera will be displayed.

Step 3: Select Video

Preview the videos you are interested in and add them to your shopping cart.

Checkout through our secure payment service and your videos will be available to download within minutes.

Browse Little Rock Video Archive
Conference room

Built for Professionals in Little Rock

While Traffic Cam Archive is available to all, we built it with professionals in mind. Leaders from a variety of industries use our service to fulfill their job responsibilities, grow their businesses, and serve the public. From law offices, insurance companies, accident reconstruction firms, and law enforcement to traffic researchers and everywhere in between, Traffic Cam Archive tells a story in Little Rock that cannot otherwise be told.

Vehicle Accidents

Vehicle Accidents in Little Rock

Liability, Disputes & Insurance

Traffic cameras capture numerous accidents annually throughout Little Rock. These videos can effectively determine who is at fault and are indispensable in resolving a variety of disputes and claims.

Accident Recontruction

Accident Reconstruction in Little Rock

Investigate, Analyze & Solve

Utilizing video of accidents, and the aftermath, in Little Rock expedites the reconstruction process, improves accuracy, and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the scene.

Law enforcement

Law Enforcement in Little Rock

Investigate, Serve & Protect

Video evidence in Little Rock offers a detailed account of the circumstances leading up to an incident or crime. Footage is crucial for identifying and tracking down suspects and witnesses.

Traffic Research

Traffic Research in Little Rock

Congestion, Behavior & Safety

Even the most seemingly mundane traffic video in Little Rock has a wealth of information usable by researchers responsible for planning and managing safe and efficient roadways.

DOT partnership

Department of Transportation Partnership

Traffic Cam Archive partners with Departments of Transportation across the country to bridge the gap between government and the citizens they serve. Our advanced tools streamline access and sharing of critical traffic camera footage within government. This footage plays a pivotal role in supporting key initiatives such as crime investigations, locating missing persons, traffic research, and other essential efforts.

Mission Statement

Our Mission in Little Rock

At Traffic Cam Archive, we are dedicated to capturing, cataloging, and archiving high-quality traffic camera footage in Little Rock and getting it into your hands as conveniently and affordably as possible. We know that footage from intersection cameras, red light cameras, and highway cameras is paramount to knowing the truth about accidents, incidents, and crimes on the roadway and traffic research. You deserve the best possible traffic camera video available and we are here to make that a reality.

We offer great support to our customers in Little Rock and love feedback. Contact us with questions or comments and we will quickly address them.

Browse Cameras

Camera Coverage in Little Rock

We built the Traffic Cam Archive platform to cover a wide area and expand rapidly. Our Little Rock video archive contains 450,472 hours of traffic camera footage captured from 124 cameras.