Customer Testimonials

Individuals and professionals use the footage provided by Traffic Cam Archive to resolve traffic accidents with clear video evidence. Whether for insurance claims, legal cases, or personal peace of mind, our customers rely on us for accurate and reliable footage. See what they have to say below!

After a driver ran a red light and totaled my car, TCA was the reason I received fair compensation. It’s an invaluable resource for victims seeking justice.
- Katie Meltser
New York City, New York
As an accident reconstructionist, I use Traffic Cam Archive regularly. Video footage of collisions is invaluable for my work, especially when police field measurements are lacking, an issue common in many cities. TCA has been crucial in solving cases and holding parties accountable.
- Chris Nail
Senior Forensic Engineer, EFI Global
Denver, Colorado
Traffic Cam Archive has been instrumental in solving countless traffic accident cases. Our work focuses on uncovering the truth, and sometimes, traffic camera footage is the only evidence available. TCA provides this crucial resource to the public.
- Logan Edwards
Associate Engineer, DELTA |v| Forensic Engineering
Nashville, Tennessee
TCA recordings have been essential in several of our cases. Without them, proving liability would have been impossible in some instances. Video evidence is crucial, and access to it is vital for our work. TCA must continue saving and archiving these recordings.
- Lauren Bass
Senior Claims Paralegal Supervisor, John Price Law Firm
Charleston, South Carolina
This service is invaluable! With so many hit-and-run accidents, these cameras help bring truth and justice to victims. The footage also resolves disputes over how crashes happen and who is at fault. There’s no downside to accessing this footage, only benefits. Thank you!
- Amber Lorio
Dudley Debosier Injury Lawyers
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Traffic Cam Archive was a lifesaver after my car accident. Although I wasn’t at fault, the police report couldn’t determine responsibility. With footage from TCA, I proved my innocence to the insurance company, allowing me to claim repair costs from the other driver’s insurance and preventing my premiums from increasing.

TCA is an invaluable tool that ensures transparency and protects the public from vehicle accident scams.
- Naveen Samala
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Thanks to Traffic Cam Archive, we’ve been able to develop defenses and uncover fraudulent claims for our clients. Losing easy access to this footage would reduce evidence available to combat claims and lawsuits, especially now that the NYPD no longer responds to accident scenes. It would also drive up the cost of defending cases, ultimately increasing insurance premiums.
- Robert P. Sweeney, Esq.
Desena & Sweeney
New York City, New York
After my husband was involved in a vehicle accident, the police determined it was a non-reportable incident and couldn’t establish fault. However, after purchasing and reviewing footage of the intersection, it was clear the other driver was at fault. I submitted the footage to my insurance company, which has since started the reimbursement process for all damages. The video was a crucial tool in determining fault. Without it, we would have faced an accident on our record, causing our premiums to rise.
- Donna Guertler
Virginia Beach, Virginia
We rely on TCA to present the facts in cases where our clients have suffered significant harm. The video footage often reveals the extent of wrongdoing by those responsible and refutes wrongful claims against our clients. We value the evidence TCA provides in seeking justice. It’s part of my routine to check TCA for every case to see if they have footage of our client’s crash.
- Gabriella Franklyn
Intake Specialist, Skinner Law
Charles Town, West Virginia
I was rear-ended on the highway just seconds after making a lane change. The other driver tried to veer left at the last second, making the damage appear as if I had clipped their car. At the scene, the officer issued me a ticket for ‘Unsafe Lane Change,’ but I explained that I was rear-ended. I noticed a camera on the highway and asked the officer if he could pull the footage, but he said it would be a long process and wasn’t sure if it was even possible.

I ended up finding the footage myself. I later used the footage I purchased from TCA to contest the ticket, and it proved I was not at fault. The footage not only helped me get out of a ticket but also provided clear proof of who was responsible for the accident. Even my insurance company was impressed with the footage.

I’m incredibly grateful for this service!
- Alexandra Kolar
Denver, Colorado
TCA is an invaluable resource in my work. It allows our law firm to access traffic footage that captures the exact moment of a collision. In many cases, police reports inaccurately portray the events of an accident, often assigning fault to the wrong driver due to miscommunication. Traffic camera footage enables us to advocate for our clients to the fullest extent.

Thank you for everything you do at TCA!
- Theresa Nelson
Personal Injury Paralegal
Minneapolis, Minnesota
My client sustained debilitating injuries in a collision where the defendant misstated the facts to investigators. Without the camera footage from TCA, my client would have had no evidence to prove how the collision occurred or that the defendant was truly at fault.
- Kelley Leddy, Esq
Salley Law Firm
Columbia, South Carolina
I had a case in New York where there was a dispute over which driver was in which lane and the sequence of impacts. Our insured was being held primarily responsible for a rear-end collision. However, with footage from the traffic camera, we were able to prove to the other insurance carriers and attorneys that our insured was simply driving in their lane when traffic in the exit lane backed up due to a broken-down car. The vehicles behind the broken-down car suddenly changed lanes into our insured’s lane, and collided with each other, coming to a stop directly in front of our insured.

The footage showed that our insured didn’t rear-end stopped traffic, but instead faced an unavoidable sudden emergency. Without this footage, it’s likely our insured would have faced increased insurance premiums due to a potential six-figure payout. The footage was invaluable in proving our insured was not at fault.
- Scott Hoerr
Prime Insurance Company
Cranston, Rhode Island
My wife was involved in a traffic accident. The footage clearly showed that the other driver was speeding. Without the video, I would have been at the mercy of the other driver’s attorneys.
- Gary Poindexter
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I was hit by another vehicle just before 1 a.m. on January 1st on Interstate 70. The police refused to come because there were no injuries, it was 1 a.m., and the temperature was 5 degrees. The other driver took full responsibility at the scene, but when they filed with their insurance, they falsely claimed I hit them.

Without the ability to access the traffic cam footage through TCA, I would have been held responsible for the damages caused by the other driver. The footage was crucial in correcting the liability decision and reporting the other driver for insurance fraud.

If states cannot respond to every accident, regardless of injuries, they must allow the archiving of traffic cam footage for situations like mine. Honesty is becoming rare in our culture, and if access to evidence like this is removed, liars will continue to get away with it, leading to greater social strife.
- Nicholas Johnson
Rural, Colorado
Traffic Cam Archive has been an invaluable resource in my work representing clients involved in motor vehicle collisions. The ability to access recorded traffic camera footage has allowed me to analyze accidents, determine liability, and effectively advocate for my clients.

I’ve had many clients who were unable to prove they weren’t at fault in a crash, only to establish liability on the other party thanks to these recordings. Without this crucial evidence, they could have been unfairly blamed, leading to denied claims and unjust financial burdens.

Restrictions on access to these videos in Nevada have made it significantly more difficult to secure justice for my clients. It’s a disservice to the community that these cameras exist but cannot be recorded and accessed by the public. The loss of this resource has made it harder to hold negligent parties accountable and ensure fairness.

I strongly support the continued availability of these recordings, as they are essential for public safety, transparency, and accountability on our roads.
- Nick Lasso
Personal Injury Attorney, Richard Harris Law
Las Vegas, Nevada
May 29, 2024, was a terrible day for me. I was rear-ended by a motorcyclist on a busy part of the highway in Denver, and then, unbelievably, I was blamed for it. The motorcyclist was injured and lied to the police about the incident. He claimed he was in the express lane, but in reality, he was behind me in the fast lane, where he rear-ended me. He said I swerved into the express lane and bumped him over. The officer believed his version and issued me a ticket. It was mind-numbing and unfair.

After a month of sleepless nights and anxiety, I started searching for traffic camera footage of the accident. The location wasn’t one I frequented, but it had heavy traffic. I reached out to the city and state for help, but no one responded. Then I found TCA online and discovered footage of the highway where the accident occurred. Although the footage was a bit grainy and the impact was hard to see, it provided crucial evidence.

It clearly showed that the motorcyclist was directly behind me in the fast lane, not in the express lane. He was trying to sue my insurance company and make me pay for something that wasn’t my fault.

Despite the extreme stress, my hard work paid off. The footage saved me from a charge of careless driving with injury, a misdemeanor in Colorado. It also protected me from the lawsuit, prevented my insurance rates from rising, and kept me from having to pay for car repairs for something I didn’t do.

I can’t express how thankful I am to have found that footage. It was priceless. Five months later, the case was dismissed, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that justice prevailed.

I truly hope TCA becomes an even bigger resource for people wrongfully charged in accidents or other situations. Without footage, lives can be ruined. Finding TCA meant the world to me, and I will forever be grateful.
- Saige Foxx
Denver, Colorado
In July 2024, I was the victim of a road rage incident, and it led to litigation. Without the valuable resource of being able to access the SCDOT cameras for my case, I honestly don’t know where I would be. I am truly grateful and happy to support TCA in keeping this essential service alive.
- Chris Grier
Chris Grier
Rock Hill, South Carolina
I was introduced to Traffic Cam Archive by a fellow crash reconstruction specialist. I knew that in Colorado the cameras are monitor-only, but I also understood how invaluable the information they capture, even though it isn’t recorded or archived, is to the community.

Just two days after receiving this information, our city had a fatal crash with very little to go on—no cameras, cars too old for CDR, and no roadway debris, only some minor tire marks. I reached out TCA and they retrieved the necessary video. From that footage, I was able to do time and distance calculations for speed, pinpoint the location in the roadway, and take critical measurements that would have otherwise been impossible to know. TCA provided this service to us in law enforcement at no charge.

For minor crashes, especially on highways like I-70, I share Traffic Cam Archive’s contact information with people and insurance companies. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Since discovering and using TCA, we’ve obtained videos for several fatal or serious bodily injury (SBI) crashes, which have provided critical information in determining cause, violations, and a full understanding of the events.

We recently received footage from TCA on our most recent fatal case. The evidence from that footage would have been lost if not for TCA. It’s the only clear and concise visual evidence we have, and it has allowed us to charge a criminal and bring justice to a grieving family.

This is an invaluable resource for law enforcement, insurance companies, and citizens alike.
- Dwayne Baker
Crash Reconstruction Specialist
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Traffic Cam Archive has been an invaluable resource for our auto accident cases! If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth ten times that. Video evidence obtained through TCA has proven crucial in supporting our cases on more than one occasion.
- Jessica Breese
Paralegal, Goldstein Hayes & Lina, LLC
Atlanta, Georgia
I am forever grateful that I was able to use the traffic cam video to clear myself in a car accident. Without it, I may have been at fault as it would have been my word against theirs. I was told by many people that retrieving this video was impossible. However, after countless hours of my own research, I stumbled upon this resource and wasn’t sure I’d even get the actual video. Thankfully, it provided the proof I needed, and it was well worth the effort and cost to obtain it.
- Tonya Crum
Rural, West Virginia
We used Traffic Cam Archive when my 17-year-old nephew, who struggles with mental instability, took the family car, drove to the next state, and disappeared for a week in a National Forest. Thanks to Traffic Cam Archive, we were able to determine the direction he started traveling from by accessing footage from our local traffic light. We also saw that he was driving with running lights but no headlights, which helped guide the search.

For the next week, our extended family drove from gas station to gas station, retrieving security camera footage, and we were able to trace him to within 100 miles of his last known location. We blanketed the area with flyers, and a week later, he was found.

Today, he is back home and doing well. We believe he might not have made it without the crucial camera information. We’re forever grateful.
- Dan Daniels
Colorado Springs, Colorado
On November 27, 2024, I was involved in a car accident on Walnut Grove Rd. while exiting onto I-240 North. After pulling over on the shoulder, I called the Memphis Police Department. When the officer arrived, he failed to properly assess the damage to both cars and instead sided with the other driver, who had a different story.

Later, I noticed traffic cameras at the exit. When I picked up the police report, I asked how I could access the footage. I was told it would take five days, but after several emails, I was informed that the footage was no longer available. The city only keeps traffic cam videos for a few days before deleting them.

Ultimately, the footage proved that I was not at fault, and my insurance company took care of everything. I’m truly grateful for this service and hope it continues, as it helped me immensely.
- James Walker
Memphis, Tennessee
Obtaining the traffic camera footage of the accident I was involved in proved beyond a doubt that the taxi driver was lying about having a green turning arrow. He claimed I ran a red light, but the footage showed otherwise. This video allowed for an expedited payout for the vehicle I was driving, which was totaled, and will be invaluable for the injury lawsuit currently underway.
- Michael Greenstein
Long Island, New York
Traffic Cam Archive was a tremendous help during my investigation of a hit-and-run on I-75 South in Stockbridge. TCA was extremely helpful and provided all the necessary videos for my investigation in a timely manner. I couldn’t thank them enough.
- Peter E Petiote
Detective, Stockbridge Police Department
Stockbridge, Georgia
As a Lieutenant with the LaFayette Police Department in Georgia, I am happy to say that Traffic Cam Archive has been an invaluable asset to my department. The footage provided by TCA has aided in the investigation of a hit-and-run accident involving a pedestrian, as well as allowed my department to determine unequivocally which vehicle was at fault in an accident where one of the vehicles had clearly run a red light. In the case involving the hit-and-run, footage from TCA allowed me to track the movement of the vehicle after it struck the pedestrian.

Personally, I would hate to lose the service TCA provides.
- Robert Tate
Lieutenant, LaFayette Police Department
LaFayette, Georgia
I was turning left at the end of the light cycle when, while the other cars stopped at the red, one car ran the red light and collided with me. The driver was joined by several family members in other cars, and they all bullied me by claiming he had not run the red light. As a result, the policeman issued me a citation.

We later found the camera footage, which proved that the other driver HAD run the light. My insurance company was incredibly grateful because the opposing party could not claim as much as they had tried. In fact, the other driver’s insurance ended up having to pay MY deductible once it was established that he was at fault.

Without this footage, it would have been my word against the other driver’s with no proof! I’m very grateful this resource was available to me.
- Dina Emerson
Las Vegas, Nevada
Traffic Cam Archive has proven to be an invaluable resource for both me and my company, fundamentally transforming how we assist clients involved in motor vehicle accidents. Car crashes are often among the most traumatic experiences in people’s lives, and Traffic Cam Archive has played a crucial role in providing swift, easily accessible evidence to help our clients navigate the resolution process. This service enables us to assist them in quickly understanding how to resolve claims and find closure following these difficult events.

I sincerely hope Traffic Cam Archive is able to continue operating and delivering this essential service, as its evidence is critical in establishing the circumstances surrounding accidents and offering clarity in the aftermath of such tragic or near-tragic incidents.
- Daniel Bowman
Accident Reconstructionist, DELTA |v| Forensic Engineering
Nashville, Tennessee
I strongly support Traffic Cam Archive. The service has provided me with critical footage that has resolved claims in the past, which otherwise would have remained in doubt. I emphatically support their continued access to these traffic cameras and the invaluable service they provide.
- Brian Galloway
Claim Specialist, Horizons TPA
Atlanta, Georgia
The traffic cam footage was crucial in helping my insurance company establish liability in an auto accident. The other party claimed I had hit their vehicle, but the video footage proved otherwise. Since police officers are often unable to determine fault on the spot, this type of video evidence is vital and should be made available to the public.
- Anonymous
Virginia Beach, Virginia
We have faced challenges in obtaining video surveillance through GDOT, which ultimately impacts our citizens. Other surrounding police departments in Metro Atlanta seem to have more direct access to clear video of their roadways. Recently, I learned about TCA from a coworker, and it has already proven to be a valuable resource in investigating fatal crashes and hit-and-runs.

I strongly encourage TCA to gain more access to DOT cameras with improved connectivity, as it greatly assists in our efforts to provide justice and clarity.
- B. K. Freeman
Detective, DeKalb County Police Department
DeKalb County, Georgia
On several occasions, we’ve been able to use TCA footage to correct inaccurate details in traffic collision reports, which has allowed our clients to go from being wrongly listed as the at-fault vehicle to being recognized as not at fault. This has had a major impact from an insurance perspective. My clients are now able to have their vehicle damage and injury claims covered, something that was previously denied.

The TCA footage is a crucial asset in our crash investigations and, by extension, serves as an invaluable resource to the public.
- Dean Waite
Personal Injury Lawyer, Dean Waite & Associates, LLC
Mobile, Alabama
After an accident in Arlington, VA, the police didn’t write a report, and the other driver’s insurance denied liability, claiming it was a ‘word vs. word’ case. Thanks to Traffic Cam Archive, I was able to get video footage of the intersection. While it didn’t show everything, it was enough for the insurance company to accept liability.
- Aziz Sen
Arlington, Virginia
Our son was recently in a car accident, and the other driver falsely accused him of being at fault. With conflicting stories, the police couldn’t issue any citations, leaving it as a ‘he said, she said’ situation.

We noticed a camera at the intersection, tracked it to CDOT, and found your website. We purchased one hour of footage, which clearly showed the moment of the accident and established the other driver was at fault. This not only saved us from insurance costs, but also gave our son peace of mind knowing he wasn’t at fault.

We submitted the footage to the police and insurance companies. Without it, we could have been held 50/50 at fault with possible citations. Your archives saved us thousands of dollars.
- Kathy Shepherd
Denver, Colorado
I’ve had a completely positive experience with TCA and am incredibly grateful for the service. I truly appreciate what it does and wish them all the best in the future.
- Travantae Cuffie
Arlington, Virginia
TCA helped us obtain Missouri DOT camera footage of a wrong-way driver who caused a fatal accident. The video allowed us to track his movements across multiple streets and highways, revealing how far he had traveled in the wrong direction before the crash.
- Bridget Briggs
Paralegal, Lashly & Baer, PC
St. Louis, Missouri
Our personal injury law firm has relied on Traffic Cam Archive multiple times over the past year, successfully determining fault in at least three cases. Video evidence is invaluable in auto accident cases, especially when clients cannot recall every detail.

Traffic Cam Archive has been instrumental in providing this critical resource, and we sincerely hope it remains accessible in the future.
- Robert Sebastian
Legal Assistant, Stillman & Friedland Attorneys
Nashville, Tennessee
Without the help of TCA, I wouldn’t have been able to prove my case when my truck was totaled. The footage I received showed clearly that I was T-boned by a driver who ran a red light, proving my innocence.
- Christopher Ingram
Atlanta, Georgia